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The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon DLC (XBOX One) Review

Game Name: The Outer Worlds

Developer: Obsidian Entertainment

Publisher: Private Division

Release Date DLC: September 9, 2020

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Playstation 4, XBOX One and Nintendo Switch

Price: 14.99$ CAD (Standalone) or 24.99$ CAD (Expansion Pack)


In what feels like years ago at this point, I reviewed The Outer Worlds. This was a fun game that I thought filled the RPG void left by Fallout 76. I thought that it did a lot of things right but it had a few technical issues. Overall it was a good game.

Since I played the base game, I have purchased it. When i had played it, the game was on Gamepass and it still is to this day. I liked it so much that I decided to purchase it. I know that I am late to the party for playing he DLC, but better late than never.

So let us see if Peril on Gorgon continued the good story telling of the base game.


The story for the first DLC (Downloadable Content) is that you are essentially Columbo (famous detective from the 1970's). You and your crew need to investigate what happened at Spacer's Choice and obtain a journal for Minnie Ambrose. Her mother, was the lead scientist, that lead the one product that Spacer's Choice manuafactured, Adrena-Time. However, things went very wrong. This is where you and your crew try to uncover what happened.

The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon Trailer


So, was this as good as the base game? I must say that I am disappointed but it was not that bad overall.

The first gripe that I had with the DLC, was starting the actual DLC. There is no indication as to how to start it. I had to look it up online to see what I had to do. Even worse, you could not play the DLC if you finished the game. You needed to find a previous save and hope that you were close enough to the end to have the max level that you had attained in the base game.

I understand why they did this. The DLC itself does take place before the events of the end of the game. There is a vague mention of this once you completed the main quest line in Peril on Gorgon. However, there should have been a better indication as to how to initiate it. For those who do not know, once you download the DLC and install it, you open a previous save. Peril on Gorgon will trigger only when you try to fly from one planet to another. May be I missed something in the instructions.

The frame rate issues that I experienced in the base game are still here. The original game was played on the original XBOX One. I played this DLC on an XBOX One S. There were a lot of frame rate dips. This is especially true towards the beginning of Peril on Gorgon. It did get better as I progressed for some reason. I do not know if these issues happen on the XBOX One X. I am sure that this will be eliminated with the next generation of consoles.

The story itself is ok, but unlike the base game, I did not really care for the NPC's (Non Playable Character) that I met or the ones that I am completing the missions for. In the base game, there was always the option of having the new character join your crew. More often than not, I was intrigued by their past and what they had to offer. However, here it just feels just like a job and I just wanted it to be over with. It felt more like a Murder She Wrote episode more than a Sci-fi adventure.

There were a few times, where the objectives were not very clear. The objectives are very easily laid out and they are marked on the map just fine. However, there were a few times where, it was not clear where I was supposed to enter a building or how I advance in the side quest.An example of this was, one marker would lead me outside. Once I go outside, it says I had to go back to the facility. I figured what I was doing incorrectly but it was just an inconvenience.

Although, I did mention mostly negative things in the DLC, it did not go that much off the track from the base game. I just felt this should have been in the game and not a DLC. May be it is a little longer than a side quest but in the end, I do not think that it merits the 14.99$ CAD for only this one DLC. If I was a player, unless you are really looking forward to the DLC's, wait until there is a game of the year edition. You will probably pay 40$ with all of the DLC's included. For that price, I would recommend it. There is just not enough here to merit a recommendation here. It sucks, cause this is a beautiful game and it has a lot of potential to be much more than it is.

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