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  • Writer's pictureSteven Pluto

In My Record Collection: Airtime - Liberty Manifesto (2007)

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

Band Members

Rik Emmett - Guitars, Vocals, Bass, Synthesizers

Michael Shotton - Percussion, Drums, Backing Vocals, Noise

Don Breithaupt - Keyboards

Liberty Manifesto is the sole studio album by the Canadian hard rock band Airtime. The record was a collaboration between guitarist Rik Emmett (Ex-Triumph) and Von Groove percussionist Mike Shotton. The album was released on November 12, 2007 with Rik Emmett and Mike Shotton producing the project.

The Airtime project was being touted in the press as Rik Emmett's return to his hard rock roots. Being a huge Triumph fan, my interest was peaked, and I quickly picked up the album.

All I remember is that I played Airtime’s Liberty Manifesto once or twice, and then I quickly dismissed the record. Since then the album has quite frankly been collecting dust.

Well a few weeks ago as I was listening to Rik Emmett and Triumph on YouTube , a couple of tracks from the Liberty Manifesto record were recommended. Too my surprise, I was quite taken aback on how great these songs were.

So, I decided to revisit the Liberty Manifesto album and give it another try. Not only does the record offer music fans an unapologetic mix of classic,melodic,hard and progressive rock, it has strong production values ,engaging song writing, inspired playing and an incredible vocal performance by Rik Emmett .

The record is a great listen all the way through , but if I had to pick some highlights it would be the following; the progressive tinged album opener ;Edge Of Your Mind, the funky;Code 9, heartfelt ballade ;Moving Day , and the melodic rockers;Find Your Way and River Runs Deep

Looking back now, I see why I dismissed the album all those years ago. Yes, this was Emmett's return to his hard rock roots , but I was taken off guard because the record didn't sound like his former band Triumph.

So if like Rik Emmett ,classic, melodic or progressive rock then you owe it to your self to give Airtime's Liberty Manifesto a listen.I

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