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Nudes - Lucious (2018) Review

Band Name: Lucious

Album Name: Nudes

Release Date: March 2, 2018

Style: Indie Rock, Indie Pop


One of my friends at work brought this group to my attention a while back. I listened to them but did not really pay attention to them. Then this year, I saw this album popped up on my new releases list on Google Music. So, I decided to give a listen.

Band Members

Jess Wolfe – lead vocals, bass synth and founding member

Holly Laessig – lead vocals, keyboard and founding member

Dan Molad – drums and backing vocals, production

Peter Lalish – guitar and vocals

This is not the original lineup. The original band also included Andrew Burri who left the band in 2016. I was not able to find the reason for his departure.


Since this is a brand new group that we are reviewing, I thought that a little bit of a background would be helpful.

The band originated in Brooklyn, New York. In recent years they have relocated to Los Angeles, California. They started writing together in 2005.

The band has 4 official albums under their belts with a few LP's and Soundtracks as well. Their most successful album would be their second album (WIldewoman) which reached 150th on the Top 200 singles on Billboard, 36th on the Top Indie Charts and made it to 5th on the new Hot Indie Band Charts.

They have been featured and heard on Ellen and Late Night with Seth Myers. They also appeared on the soundtrack for Jake and Amir's web series Lonely and Horny.


1. Woman 2. Right Down the Line (G. Rafferty) 3. Tempest 4. Something About You 5. Neighbors 6. Eventually (K. Parker) 7. Until We Get There 8. Million Dollar Secret (featuring Nels Cline) 9. Feels Like a Curse 10. Goodnight, Irene (featuring Roger Waters)

The album itself is a mix of acoustic covers from their previous albums, originals and acoustic covers other songs as well.

From what I can tell they wanted to create an album that is bare bones except the strict necessities.

From the band:

Amidst nearly every performance over the past few years, we’ve had the opportunity to strip away everything – be it at the center of the crowd, or on stage around one microphone, or in tiny, unexpected rooms around the world – all to share and create an intimate, heartfelt connection with our audience. It’s these moments that have inspired our newest project, Nudes. It is a record giving homage to what has been … and a hint at what’s to come.

if this was the goal, I believe that this was achieved. The first song on the album, Woman feels like you would be listening to the band performing in a small smokey bar. In fact, Woman has the feel of a female Simon and Garfunkel song. This is one of the original songs on this album and I think it sets the tone of the album very well.

Another strong entry on this album is Eventually. This more in the acoustic pop variety. This is a cover from a Tame Impala song from their album Currents. I believe that this stripped down version is better than the original. They were able to take a song and make it their own, which not every one can do.

Another song that is good is Until We Get There. This is a cover from one of their own previous albums called Wildewoman. I think that they even made this song better by stripping all the special effects and leave the natural instruments of their voice and guitar.


I can honestly say that this album, although made up of covers with a few originals, is a breath of fresh air. Here in Montreal, we are used to that pop that plays all day and is always on repeat.

This album demonstrates that covers can be good. Sometimes, the most complicated songs muscially are not always the best. Their writing may seem simple at first, but once you listen to them carefully, they pack a punch.

On the Until We Get There track, they manage to take a complicated theme of love being at the crossroads. Yet, they manage to put in a few lines that everyone has felt at least once in their lives. Do we continue to give one more try or give up? The track feels personal and the vocals are really nice. This right here is what shows the strength of Lucious.

The voices of Jess and Holly, remind me a little bit of the harmony's from Wilson Phillips. Yes, Wilson Phillips was way over produced but I have heard some of their acoustic stuff and it has that comforting sound.

I love Roger Waters and what he has done in the past with Pink Floyd and his solo stuff, but I think the remake of Goodnight, Irene, is the weakest on the album. It does not mean that it is bad per say but it just doesn't gel as well with the other songs on the album. That is a testament to the quality of the other songs on the album.

I think that this is a great pick up if you are just getting into this band. I personally think that it is one of their best albums. There are songs for everyone here. It will take a few listens may be to appreciate it, but once you do, it will be in your library for a long time.

Here is a short video of them performing in a small book store / library.

Rating: 4.5 acoustic guitars out of 5

Did you have a listen? What do you think? Am I on the money or am I missing the mark completely? Let us know below.

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