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Message from the Aroundtable.

As the Aroundable gears up for a new and exciting year, it is also a time for reflection. Why do we do what we do in the first place? It’s simple, we are four really good friends who are extremely passionate about movies, music, comics, and video games.

So, as we head into a new and exciting chapter, it is time to say ,thank you to everyone to who gave us a “like” or read one of our reviews. We do hope that you enjoyed the site, and maybe it gave you something to think about. Hopefully, we made a connection, and you realize that you are not the only one who thinks that Warrant’s Stronger Now is a well - written rock song. We do hope that we continue to connect, engage, and encourage you to share your thoughts with us in 2018. It so much more fun if you do, so please keep that connection going. We really do you love hearing from you.

PS- I would to say thanks to my partners in crime, comrades in arms & confidants, Dino, Philip and Gio. It has been an absolute honour, privilege and joy doing this with you guys. I couldn’t have done this without you, and to be honest I wouldn’t want to. So here is to another fun filled, action packed year. Live the dream!

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