The thunder from down under, AC/DC, brought a much needed dose of “High Voltage” rock to Montreal on Monday night at the Olympic stadium. The opening act, Vintage Trouble, did a great job getting the crowd excited with their own brand of RnB/Rock but I was there to be “Thunder Struck!”
AC/DC kicked off the show with the title track from their latest album “Rock or Bust” which totally described the evening’s events. The band, in laymen terms…ROCKED but the acoustics of our stadium was a bust, unfortunately!

AC/DC is simply a great live act. They have chops, they have the songs and yes they have Angus Young who is an amazing guitarist. His fifteen minute guitar solo towards the end of the evening was really amazing. The show didn’t disappoint at all, the lighting and explosions were engineered perfectly to match the great music and the Montreal crowd’s enthusiasm only fueled the band’s performance.
As well, it was heartwarming to see the band persevere without founding member, Malcom Young, who was diagnosed with Dementia last year. My only complaint for the evening however was the venue. I would have preferred they played at the Bell Centre since Olympic Stadium was never designed to be a concert venue…point finale! All in all, everyone seemed satisfied with the show. I recommend seeing AC/DC live at least once in your life.