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Slash: World on Fire (2014)


Slash returns with World on Fire (W.O.F.), his second full length album with Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators. The album’s 17 tracks clocks in at 77 minutes.

W.O.F. is a guitar driven rock album that draws its influences from the likes of AC/DC, Aerosmith, Alter Bridge, Velvet Revolver and of course Guns N’ Roses.

Myles Kennedy, Todd Kerns & Brent Fitz have gelled nicely into a solid band that provides the support that guitar slinger Slash has been searching for since his departure from Guns N ‘Roses.

As relentless as Slash and the boys make W.O.F., it is a “slow-burner” in the sense that it takes a few listens before the album envelops you. But once it does…you are hooked.

My one minor concern with this album is: while it does give you the best bang for your buck with 17 tracks, it’s a little long for my taste and should have been trimmed down by two or three songs.

All in all, Slash’s newest release, hits the spot but is a little “over- stuffed” with material for my taste. So get your air- guitars ready and prepare to set the “World on Fire”.

Standout Tracks; Wicked Stone, 30 Years To Life, Bent To Fly, Avalon, The Dissident , Safari Inn , Weathered Delilah & The Unholy.


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